“I’m Always Open to Ideas”
Entering the third year of running my consultancy and seem to have even more to learn and do!
So, a good time to take stock, lift my head up and try and see where we’re heading. I must start by saying a big Wow Thank You to all my clients. I’ve worked with some great and seriously talented people, at times it has been challenging but also deeply rewarding to receive your positive feedback. THANK YOU.
I’m learning to write and share some of my ideas, I’ve been delighted to see my articles on leadership, branding & CSR published in business magazines (am happy to e-mail these to you if you are interested). Many people I meet raise an eyebrow when I explain about my Pay Fair scheme, where my clients pay me what they judge to be fair. Yet it really does work! 🙂
I continue to enjoy learning: from numerous seminars; conferences; university lectures; Ted Talks; blogs; David Broadhead’s excellent 21st Century Management course and the diverse people I meet. I’ve loved having the time to help out on a couple more Hope & Social projects and witness the power of collaboration and the impact of music and art in our communities.
But sometimes, it is also hard when I’m staring at my computer and seem to be caught up in the swell and pull of social media. When I feel isolated, I seem to get drawn by strong currents away from where I want to be. That is why it is so good for me to polish up my red Kickers and get out and meet real people! Suits and Vinyl is definitely the network where I feel most at home and welcome.
Out of my Head
I swim most mornings and have developed a unique (if unpredictable) tumble turn plus I’m now trying to use my legs too (ouch)! I really value being challenged and encouraged by the eclectic bunch of people I meet at 7am.
I’m enjoying getting to know people in the PM and Managing Partners Forums and finding my way around Manchester again. I am trying to resist the pull of our capital, I much prefer working in the north, but Skype & FaceTime make the geography irrelevant.
I did however welcome the invitation from the Judicial Appointments Commission to have a meeting in London to discuss their selection processes and share some ideas.
Next Steps
Looking ahead: more learning, I’ll definitely develop some more short videos, publish some of my Staple Stories plus find some other great people to work with. Who knows what year three will bring but as The Faces sang “I’m always open to ideas”.
I hope to see you further on up the road and would love to hear your news?
Yorkshire Autumn 2015