Judicial and Silk Appointment On-Line Interactive Workshops
Over the past few years I’ve been running my interactive workshops for barristers and solicitors wanting to gain insights into the Silk and/or Judicial application processes. I’ve very much enjoyed doing these and have received some excellent feedback. I was approached to run another one for a chambers on the Midlands Circuit in May – but then we were hit by the Covid-19 pandemic.
As it increasingly became apparent that this was not going to go ahead, I gave them some options:
1. Cancel;
2. Postpone until later in the year;
3. Deliver via Zoom or another platform.
I’d run a one off session on Qualifying Tests for Women in Criminal Law via Zoom, which was great learning for me and evidently very well received: “It was a brilliant session”.
The chambers also wisely chose to go with a digital workshop.
I don’t think trying to run my full workshop virtually would be as effective as I want. From attending various Zoom sessions, I know it is much harder to engage with people remotely – especially for a couple of hours! Instead, we’ll break it up into 3 x 45 minute sessions (maybe an hour if there are lots of questions). Someone from chambers will ask me a series of questions and those attending will be able to ask whatever they want by posting their comments throughout.
So we have agreed to do the following sessions:
1. JAC & QCA Processes, Short-Listing and Qualifying Tests;
2. Approaching Competency Based Applications and Selecting Assessors/Referees;
3. Preparing for Selection Days: Interviews, Role Plays and Situational Questioning.
I will also share my full workshop slides with links to blogs, videos and key materials.
Will this become the #NewNormal? In previous years I’ve managed to arrange my workshops to coincide with cities and towns where Hope and Social have been touring. That seemed like an appropriate work/life balance and was great fun. I so hope I’ll be able to go out on tour again soon!