
Taking Silk – New King’s Counsel KC Workshops

I’ve have been running workshops on Judicial and Silk applications for a number of circuits and chambers. Since the pandmic I have been running these remotely via Zoom. “Thank you for the sessions. Feedback on them has been excellent.” Wales and Chester Circuit.

Ahead of the first King’s Counsel competition I’ve been asked to run a specific workshop focussing on the 2023 Silk Competition.

In these sessions I’ll cover:

  1. 1) an overview of the Silk application process;


2)  how you should select your 12 cases;

3)  selecting and prioritising your assessors;

4) drafting a strong summary of your practice;

5) how to evidence the competencies;

6) what to include in your case summaries for your assessors.

Additionally, I’ll cover what to expect and how to prepare for a Silk interview.

Each session will end with questions and answers to ensure all attendees fully understand how to prepare their applications.

If you are interested in finding out more or arranging a workshop for you and your colleagues please either just e-mail me or call 0796 999 7335.

I’ll update my tips and guidance blog when details of the 2023 Silk Competition are announced in the meantime this is last’s year’s: Silk Competition 2022.

Communication & Sharing Ideas.
