Deputy District Judge (Magistrates’ Court) Competition
This competition will launch on Thursday 30 January and the deadline for applications is 1pm on Thursday 13 February 2025.
There are 50 vacancies (over three times more than the 15 post available in 2023) across England and Wales, so I anticipate this will again be a very competitive competition. About 10-15 years ago the DDJ Mags competition was the first one where the JAC used on-line qualifying tests as a shortlisting tool. I had hoped the JAC would not require candidates to submit their competencies before taking the qualifying tests, as they do with DDJ civil candidates. However, all candidates will be required to submit evidence of how they demonstrate the competencies before sitting the qualifyng tests!
The first tow multiple choice on-line qualifying tests will take place on Tuesday 4 March 2025 and for those who get through the scenario test will be on Thursday 24 April. My guidance on qualifying tests can be found here. NB “When taking the test, Government lawyers and Crown Prosecution Service lawyers should not use their work devices, or work email address due to compatibility issues with JAC servers.”
Candidates will be informed in September whether they are invited to the selection days which will be conducted via MS Teams in October. The JAC will contact your nominated independent assessors on 1 September and they are asked to return their assessments by 1pm on 15 September.
The Selection Days are scheduled to take place remotely between 6 and 17 October.
The target date for informing candidates of their outcomes is February 2026!
The last DDJ mags competition in 2023 had 633 applicants, given the increased number of vacancies I’d expect more to apply this year.
Whatever the actual numbers, it will again be a fierce competition but once again shortlisting will be down to the lottery of qualifying and speed typing tests!
Here is some guidance on how to approach drafting your candidate assessment form >
NB Additional Criteria box, again within 250 words:
“Candidates must be able to demonstrate substantial knowledge and experience of criminal law and procedure. It is expected that candidates’ evidence of knowledge and experience of criminal law and procedure will be within the last five years.”
#TopTip Work on it in bite sized chunks and ask for help from colleagues, friends and family who will give you honest feedback and advice.
The form looks really simple and innocuous but is much harder to complete than it looks! It can typically take c16 hours to perfect. There is a deliberately tight 2 week window (probably to suppress the number of applicants) and the JAC haven’t run an application seminar to promote or assist candidates in this competition.
The selection days will be conducted via MS Teams and involve a role play and competency based interview. Please do conatct me if you need help or advice on how to prepare for this >
E : T: 07969997335