Entries Tagged as 'interview tips'



Circuit Judge Competition 2024 – The Essentials

“I got it!!!”  – Circuit Judge

This year’s competition launches on Tuesday 10 September 2024 – deadline for applications is 13:00 on Tuesday 1 October 2024 – there are only 27 vacancies (19 in crime, 7 in family and 1 in civil).  Successful candidates will be informed in July 2025!!

“Your input has been invaluable” – Resident Judge Candidate

It looks very similar to previous CJ competitions and in many ways, this is one of the most straight forward competitions that the JAC run. It has evolved over the years and now successful candidates know what they have to do: demonstrate their evidence of the competencies. You have two panels you need to convince – the short-listing panel and the selection day panel. There is some very helpful feedback, sound guidance and clear advice from the JAC on their website. There are expected to be 80 vacancies, but as with other competitions, the number may vary as the competition progresses. 

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s9(4) Deputy High Court Judge Competition 2023

**** 17 January 2023 ****

“The purpose of a s9(4) Deputy High Court Judge appointment is to provide candidates of exceptional ability with a pathway to make an application to be a salaried High Court judge. Further information on pathways to the High Court is provided here.”

There are 28 vacancies across the 3 divisions:  In the King’s Bench Division, applications are encouraged from candidates who are generalists and with expertise in any of the Division’s work including those with significant expertise in commercial law, crime, media and communications law, planning law, public law and technology and construction law. Within the Family Division, applications are especially welcome from candidates with expertise in high value financial remedy cases or complex children cases.”

Deadline is 13:00 on Wednesday 08/02 – 1500 word statement of suitability and 500 words about your expertise.   JAC s9(4) competition details here.

 07969997335 or e-mail E: tim@asktim.org

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10 suggestions for improving the judicial appointments process

Anyone interested in sitting part-time or full-time needs to understand how the JAC’s selection process is evolving. It has changed significantly over the past 6 months with the introduction of  new competency frameworks, on-line applications and multiple-choice qualifying tests for some competitions.

Based on my experience of working with scores of candidates across most of these recent competitions – can I suggest the following:

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“What A Year” – Wow Thank You

Please click on any hyperlinks that take your fancy or just jump to the song at the end…

People, People, People

It was great to meet with Simon Biltcliffe but what really stands out is how fantastic his PA Lisa Bowen was with me – open, generous, encouraging, efficient and a real unexpected bonus to encounter when trying to arrange a meeting with a phenomenally busy guy. The Australian Paralympian Elizabeth Wright has been a joy to meet and an inspiration to work with. Thanks to Nadio for introducing me to David Broadhead who has really helped to crystalise  my thinking about Leadership.

I’ve also met a great bunch of diverse people at numerous events who have been engaging, thought provoking and also very generous. I love Suits and Vinyl – what a great way to meet other business people.

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Interview Success – My Top Tips

It’s all about your ability to tell your story.


“Have found both sessions extremely helpful. Many thanks.” “It is so helpful to me!”

  Circuit Judge interview candidate feedback

When I worked in advertising a top colleague always stressed: “Real communication is not about what you intend to communicate but more importantly what people are willing, able and likely to pick up”

If you can it is fantastic experience to be an interviewer – so if you get the chance grab that opportunity. Talk to successful candidates and ask them about their experience and for their tips.

Practice, have mock interviews with colleagues, friends, family or anyone who you trust will give you some straight feedback. The best preparation is to have an actual interview –  nothing beats that experience. 

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JAC Lifts the Fog on the Tyne – 00937: Deputy District Judge (Civil)

The JAC held a seminar in Newcastle to encourage and inform candidates about the 2014/15 DDJ(Civil) competition and shared some very helpful insights that I have tried to capture and highlight below.

DJ Chris Simmonds told a great story about how the DJ bench are the engine room for the judiciary. He talked about what it was really like sitting as a DJ, the challenges, the myths and the great support. He also told us about career development and that 5 of his DJ colleagues had applied and moved to the circuit bench.

Sarah Gane from the JAC then shared some thought provoking statistics: they recruit between 500 & 600 candidates each year for the main judicial posts as well as for 29 MOJ tribunals. She also encouraged the audience to investigate and consider other sitting options as well as the MOJ tribunals. Candidates could make very positive contributions and gain excellent experience via these positions.

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Interviews: The Answer Lies Within

You are hugely resourceful and inspiring and I do believe you add value. Also I love that you are personable and grounded and tell it “just as it is”. –  Client May 2014

Sometimes you learn things from unexpected places. Last summer I was in New York and, having been persuaded by my son, I reluctantly ended up going to a Lego exhibition! But it was no ordinary Lego exhibition it was brilliant, challenging and thought provoking art by a former corporate lawyer Nathan Sawaya.

I’ve been running a number of workshops recently and one to one interview coaching sessions.

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Becoming A Judge – Judicial Workshops



 I will be donating 10% of the proceeds from my workshop to the CLSA/LCCSA Fund for the Judicial Review of the Ministry of Justice.

However, please also contribute: http://www.lccsa.org.uk/donate-towards-the-cost-of-judicial-review/

Where, when & why should you attend?

Leeds Wednesday 30 April 2014 – please do come and join us and you will:

– gain insights and advice about competency based recruitment;

– learn how to make your application forms standout;

– discover how you can prepare to succeed at interviews.

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