Interview Success – My Top Tips
It’s all about your ability to tell your story.
“Have found both sessions extremely helpful. Many thanks.” “It is so helpful to me!”
Circuit Judge interview candidate feedback
When I worked in advertising a top colleague always stressed: “Real communication is not about what you intend to communicate but more importantly what people are willing, able and likely to pick up”
If you can it is fantastic experience to be an interviewer – so if you get the chance grab that opportunity. Talk to successful candidates and ask them about their experience and for their tips.
Practice, have mock interviews with colleagues, friends, family or anyone who you trust will give you some straight feedback. The best preparation is to have an actual interview – nothing beats that experience.
What should you wear? – look sharp – feel good about yourself and wear something that makes you feel and projects confidence. Plus if you can listen to some music that make you feel positive, confident and grounded before you arrive.
The Most Important Parts of Interview: 1st 30 seconds and the end of the interview – so aim to score with your first answer and have a sharp question or confident close.
86% of communication is non-verbal so body language is very important and good eye contact is critical. This Ted Talk by Harvard Professor Amy Cuddy is well worth investing 15 minutes watching – your body leads your behaviour.
When you have a panel of interviewers – treat them as individuals – charm the targets.
They will have a pool of questions – develop a pool of answers – like Prime Minister’s Question Time – try and put yourself in your interviewers’ shoes and think what questions would you ask?
Listen carefully – clarify questions. Use communication skills – try and make it a natural conversation – manage silence/pauses – some tips.
Tell short stories – that demonstrate competencies factors.
Bring people into the room, by using their names and some details to build confidence and add credibility in your answers.
Aim to enjoy the interview!
Afterwards review – make note of questions, try and put yourself in your interviewers’ shoes.
This brief video may also be of some help and here is how I work with candidates:
If you have any questions or would like to find out more please call 0796 999 73350796 999 7335 or e-mail
” You are hugely resourceful and inspiring and I do believe you add value, evidenced by the number of successful candidates you have assisted to date. Also I love that you are personable and grounded and tell it “just as it is”.” Judicial Candidate