Entries Tagged as 'interview'

Photo by Jon Del Rivero on Unsplash 


Deputy District Judge (Magistrates’ Court) Competition

This competition will launch on Thursday 30 January and the deadline for applications is 1pm on Thursday 13 February 2025.

There are 50 vacancies (over three times more than the 15 post available in 2023) across England and Wales, so I anticipate this will again be a very competitive competition. About 10-15 years ago the DDJ Mags competition was the first one where the JAC used on-line qualifying tests as a shortlisting tool. I had hoped the JAC would not require candidates to submit their competencies before taking the qualifying tests, as they do with DDJ civil candidates. However,  all candidates will be required  to submit evidence of how they demonstrate the competencies before sitting the qualifyng tests!

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Real Inspiration – Ted Talks or Songs?

I think there are some absolutely brilliant Ted Talks and I’ve eagerly shared them with many clients as well as during my workshops on leadership and communication. However, I find that music and songs have a greater impact on people. Perhaps it is true: “We learned more from a 3-minute record then we ever learned in school”.

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Up, Up and Away

What is it like starting your own business? I use the analogy of an airplane taxiing down the runway and then opening the throttle to take off. It is unnerving. It takes a lot of effort and you think you’ve built enough momentum, but you’re running out of runway and you have to hold your nerve. It is stressful, liberating, fun, challenging, frustrating, rewarding.  It is time and life consuming.

I started my business 4 years ago and I’ve learnt so much. One of the toughest things, when you are building your business, is trying to find a healthy work/life balance.

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Interactive Judicial & Silk Appointment Workshops

**** Feedback from my Faculty of Advocates Workshop Vice-Dean to Tim Collins  ****

How to approach making a judicial or Silk application and how to stand out from the crowd at your selection day or interview.

In a two hour interactive workshop I will discuss and answer any questions candidates may have on:

Why competency based recruitment?

How do the qualifying tests work?

How do you select and support your referees?

How to develop compelling application forms?

How you can prepare to succeed at interviews?

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Mock Judicial Appointments Qualifying Tests

“… room for improvement but phenomenally helpful is reading text quickly etc . Really really useful . Thanks for putting it together” 

Over recent years I have been asked repeatedly whether there are any old JAC tests that candidates could try. The JAC used to publish qualifying test reports and include their questions and answers but haven’t done so since that moved to the more generic situational questioning and critical reasoning tests. So unfortunatlely, they no longer make their tests available.

My blog on Qualifying Tests – gives you an overview of how they work.

I have been talking to a number of judges and practitioners about developing some mock crime, civil and family tests. However, the JAC announced at the end of 2016 that they would be testing new non-jurisdictional qualifying tests.

As a result and having collaborated with others I have developed one situational judgement and one critical reasoning test.

“Thank you. Did the test – wow very taxing – got xIt has helped greatly to see it in the flesh as it were and what to expect and what time of day not to take it!!  Timing is key as well – a brilliant revision tool. Thanks”

Situational Judgement

16 questions  in 15 minutes set by a judge to test candidates’ judgement and decision making based on real situations and experience.

Critical Reasoning

23 questions to be answered in 30 minutes based on a judicial speech – this includes time for reading a PDF text.

Your Feedback Report

Following the test you will be e-mailed your test report, score, the questions and answers.

Candidate  Options

NB These tests are on line, so make sure you have a good internet connection, sufficient time and are able to open a PDF document. Please follow the instructions and keep an eye on your time. You must download the speech before commencing the critical reasoning or combined test! Don’t pay for any test until you are ready to take it – they are on-line tests. Payments can only be accepted via PayPal (this is the only payment that works for this).

If you don’t see the PayPal link you may need to look at your pop up settings and/or make sure your PayPal e-mail address is the same as the one you are using for the test.  Perhaps you may need to try another device or browser – technology!

  1. 1.   Situational Judgement Mock Test 15 minutes – £19.50 +VAT –  SJ test link
  2. 2.   Critical Reasoning Mock Test 30 minutes – £19.50 +VAT – CR test link
  3. 3.    (1 + 2) Situational Judgement & Critical Reasoning Joint Mock Test 45 minutes – £29.50 +VAT – SJ & CR combined test link.

Your results and the correct answers will be automatically e-mailed to you once you have completed a test.

Opportunities (problems)

If you have failed to follow the test instructions and not downloaded the speech for the critical reasoning test, it can be found here!

I have set these tests so that you can take them a second time in case you experience wireless or technical issues.

I’m keen to add further situational judgement questions, but know that will not be easy, especially if they are non-jurisdictional and importantly respect the confidentiality of actual JAC tests.

Any feedback would be most welcome and I hope these may help candidates prepare for any future JAC tests.

“This evening I did the tests that you recently posted on your website which were very helpful.”

Narrative Tests

It is not possible to set these as mock tests as they require marking individually but I am willing to share some tips and advice – please just e-mail me or text me your e-mail address: tim@asktim.org 0796 999 7335

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Judicial Appointments – Qualifying Tests

I try and update this blog when new information becomes available but the JAC are consistently inconsistent! I have updated this in February 2021 and it is simply an attempt to explain how the JAC qualifying tests work, what to expect, some advice and links that may help candidates.

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Another Fine Competition – Deputy District Judge Crime 2016 – Magistrates’ Court


*****UPDATE 22 August 2016*****

Congratulations to all who made it through the online scenario. Now you need to provide evidence of your competencies by noon on Monday 5 September:


I’m frequently asked how I work with candidates; I work based on the needs of each individual candidate:application forms and interviews.

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Silk 2024 – KC Competition

 *****   8 March 2024*****


– “I got it! Thank you for all your help – couldn’t have done it without you” 

“Thank you so so much for your help, it was unbelievable Please come to my party?”

The 2024 competition launched yesterday with the deadline for applications at 5pm on Friday 19 April 2024.

It seems to be very similar to last year’s, however  your 12 cases should be drawn from the last 3 years.

“Hi Tim. I’m pleased to tell you that your record of successfully getting people through continues. Many thanks for all your patience & it definitely made all the difference.” 

First and foremost, do read the KC Appointment 2024 Guidance. But I would also strongly recommend that you consider the 2023 competition report  and especially the panel’s approach to the competencies  these will give you a real insight into who gets appointed and why.

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