Looking for Answers?
I’m a great believer that our ability to ask questions is much more valuable than to be able to give answers. Often the solutions are easy but it takes time and sometimes courage to ask questions. The curious people I have been meeting have some recurring questions that they ask. So in attempt to answer them I’ve written some articles and produced a couple of short videos which I hope may scratch an itch or two…
1. Why is time for leadership and yet our leaders need time?
Modern Law Magazine Leadership Article
A version with hyperlinks to those I reference can be found here on LinkedIn
2. How do we develop an authentic brand that clients will trust?
PM Forum Magazine Branding & CSR
3. How does someone become a judge and how do the Judicial Appointments Commission selects candidates?
Above with some interesting hyperlinks on LinkedIn
Becoming a Judge Yorkshire Lawyer Article
4. Where do you begin with competency based applications?
4. How can you succeed at competency based interviews?
If you are curious and have any questions please either call me on +44(0)796 999 7335 or e-mail. I may well not know the answer, but let’s talk it through ans see if I can point you in the right direction.