Seconds Out! – Year 2
I can’t believe how fast the last year has flown by, but it has been a very enjoyable and productive one. It has also been a year of some real learning. More learning, challenges, mistakes, anxiety, growing confidence, fun and meeting and working with some really interesting, open and great people.
I have been to some outstanding talks this last year: my highlights have included Simon Biltcliffe, Steve Edge, Dominic Wilcox and Dr George Madine. I’ve tried to blog or share the best bits I’ve found as well as some of the awesome resources I’ve found on the web. I’m still learning about social media but realise there is no substitute for actually meeting people. Good to be involved with the Leadership Centre and also to have become a GrowthAccelerator.
A big Wow Thank You to all my clients and for the encouragement and support of so many others I have met. I was bowled over by hearing a support worker, Jamie, telling his story about working with the homeless. So Simon on the Streets remains my Pay Fair charity and I will be sleeping with Simon on 25/09 to help raise some money and understand more. Please sponsor me:
I loved working as a volunteer with Hope & Social, up hill & down dale, on the Tour of Infinite Possibility playing gigs with communities along the Tour de Yorkshire route. The whole project was simply a brilliant and real example of the power of collaboration.
The future looks bright and as well as helping more clients to push on I plan to run some more training workshops, start recording and sharing videos as well as writing more Staple Stories for a book I’ve been encouraged to write. But I also know that I have so much more to learn. I’ll make some more mistakes and I look forward to strengthening the relationships I’ve already made and to meeting new people.
So with very best wishes for your year ahead here’s a song for you:
And don’t forget and do “hold your chin up high”. And I hope to meet you further on up the road.
Yorkshire UK September 2014