Entries Tagged as 'solicitors'

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Deputy District Judge (Magistrates’ Court) Competition

This competition will launch on Thursday 30 January and the deadline for applications is 1pm on Thursday 13 February 2025.

There are 50 vacancies (over three times more than the 15 post available in 2023) across England and Wales, so I anticipate this will again be a very competitive competition. About 10-15 years ago the DDJ Mags competition was the first one where the JAC used on-line qualifying tests as a shortlisting tool. I had hoped the JAC would not require candidates to submit their competencies before taking the qualifying tests, as they do with DDJ civil candidates. However,  all candidates will be required  to submit evidence of how they demonstrate the competencies before sitting the qualifyng tests!

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Judicial Appointments – Qualifying Tests

I try and update this blog when new information becomes available but the JAC are consistently inconsistent! I have updated this in February 2021 and it is simply an attempt to explain how the JAC qualifying tests work, what to expect, some advice and links that may help candidates.

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Another Fine Competition – Deputy District Judge Crime 2016 – Magistrates’ Court


*****UPDATE 22 August 2016*****

Congratulations to all who made it through the online scenario. Now you need to provide evidence of your competencies by noon on Monday 5 September:


I’m frequently asked how I work with candidates; I work based on the needs of each individual candidate:application forms and interviews.

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Time, Ladies and Gentlemen. Please. Time?!

We are information rich and yet increasingly time and decision making poor. We seem to be working harder and harder just to stand still. Work is becoming more fraught and a lot less enjoyable. We don’t even have the time to ask ourselves why? We’re too busy just doing.

We know the market is fragmenting while our universities are producing thousands more law graduates every year. We have apprentices to add to the ranks of paralegals and businesses looking to cherry pick the profitable work. More resources are being tied up to comply with the ever evolving regulatory requirements. Technological developments mean that we can be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information and data, which in turn is more complex to manage. Some clients expect instant responses for minimum costs plus the banks are wary of the sector.

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Public Defender Service – A Level Playing Field?

I tried for many months to get answers from the MoJ as to whether their PDS offers the tax payer value for money. My MP Stuart Andrew has supported my attempts to gain answers by sending several letters to the MoJ and ministers.

Two things happened last week. Firstly I received another letter from my MP – “It appears, somewhat conveniently when considering the Department’s failure to fully address your concerns that my letter dated 17th July was never received.” He is pursuing the department for answers. More worryingly I picked up a link from the JRS website that the PDS have appointed a silk as Head of Advocacy.

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