Entries Tagged as 'sales'



“I’m Always Open to Ideas”

Entering the third year of running my consultancy and seem to have even more to learn and do!
So, a good time to take stock, lift my head up and try and see where we’re heading. I must start by saying a big Wow Thank You to all my clients. I’ve worked with some great and seriously talented people, at times it has been challenging but also deeply rewarding to receive your positive feedback. THANK YOU.

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Becoming A Judge – Judicial Workshops



 I will be donating 10% of the proceeds from my workshop to the CLSA/LCCSA Fund for the Judicial Review of the Ministry of Justice.

However, please also contribute: http://www.lccsa.org.uk/donate-towards-the-cost-of-judicial-review/

Where, when & why should you attend?

Leeds Wednesday 30 April 2014 – please do come and join us and you will:

– gain insights and advice about competency based recruitment;

– learn how to make your application forms standout;

– discover how you can prepare to succeed at interviews.

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The Sound of Silence – Learning to Enjoy Interviews

Good interviewers will use a pause or silence to see how candidates respond. In my experience it is one of the most powerful interview techniques. In some situations silence is golden yet in others it can make you feel very uncomfortable. Interviews can be highly stressful situations and time either seems to fly, or grinds towards a halt at the worst possible moment.

So how do you manage silences in interviews?

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Luxury Skimming Stones 


The Next Tango in Halifax – Luxury Skimming Stones

Artist, inventor and designer Dominic Wilcox came to Creative Calderdale and presented some of his unique work. He gave us an insight into how he develops his ideas and his creative work. He opened with the classic truism from Leonard Cohen “If I knew where ideas came from I’d go there more often”.

At the bottom I’ll share a link to his website as it is simply brilliant.

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Staple Stories

Tough Love and Why I Loathe Scrambled Eggs

Back in 1980 I ended up in Dundee on an Outward Bound course with a cross-section of c50 other young people. On this course we didn’t climb mountains or ford rivers, instead over three weeks, we faced some of the very real challenges that exist hidden in our communities. I experienced 4 placements including: intermediate treatment (pre-borstal): a psychogeriatric ward; decorating the home of an MS sufferer; and most dauntingly- a ward with about 25 patients where the highest mental age was c18 months.

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Staple Stories

Setting The Pace

My first boss and the person who recruited me to P&G was the charismatic, smooth and sharp Duncan Anderson. He had an electric charm, I have never met a better sales person – he also had a great and irreverent sense of humour. I remember him with a glint in his eyes composing a card to our arch rivals Lever Brothers (who also happened to have an office in Harrogate). He wove this great story about a truce and suspension of hostilities over the festive period – wonderful nonsense for soap sellers.

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