Entries Tagged as 'MoJ'



Interview Success – My Top Tips

It’s all about your ability to tell your story.


“Have found both sessions extremely helpful. Many thanks.” “It is so helpful to me!”

  Circuit Judge interview candidate feedback

When I worked in advertising a top colleague always stressed: “Real communication is not about what you intend to communicate but more importantly what people are willing, able and likely to pick up”

If you can it is fantastic experience to be an interviewer – so if you get the chance grab that opportunity. Talk to successful candidates and ask them about their experience and for their tips.

Practice, have mock interviews with colleagues, friends, family or anyone who you trust will give you some straight feedback. The best preparation is to have an actual interview –  nothing beats that experience. 

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Public Defender Service – A Level Playing Field?

I tried for many months to get answers from the MoJ as to whether their PDS offers the tax payer value for money. My MP Stuart Andrew has supported my attempts to gain answers by sending several letters to the MoJ and ministers.

Two things happened last week. Firstly I received another letter from my MP – “It appears, somewhat conveniently when considering the Department’s failure to fully address your concerns that my letter dated 17th July was never received.” He is pursuing the department for answers. More worryingly I picked up a link from the JRS website that the PDS have appointed a silk as Head of Advocacy.

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