Entries Tagged as 'mentoring'



Tim’s Top 10 Tips for Marketing on a Budget

In September,  I was invited to be on a panel for a PM Forum  event in London where we shared some ideas on marketing on a budget.  It was geared to professional services: lawyers, accountants, architects but most of the ideas can be applied across industries and sectors.  Subsequently, I was asked to write an extended article and that was recently published-  “Punching Above Your Weight – Uncommon Sense”.

I’d welcome your feedback and thoughts:

“We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that created them”            Einstein

  1. 1. Market Internally – as a co-professional and peer.


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Mentoring – Is it Me?

I’ve found myself drawn into mentoring individuals from different sectors with a very diverse spectrum of issues. It started when a couple of people suggested that I should get involved with Entrepreneurial Spark  It has exploded since then – and I’m loving it!

I’ve tried to find a definition for mentoring that I like or describes what I try to do but they all seem a bit too grand for me. I don’t have a set list of questions or a programme – all I do is make time to listen and then share examples and stories from my experience to encourage people to take a positive step.

You can read below some reactions to my approach – 

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Another Fine Competition – Deputy District Judge Crime 2016 – Magistrates’ Court


*****UPDATE 22 August 2016*****

Congratulations to all who made it through the online scenario. Now you need to provide evidence of your competencies by noon on Monday 5 September:


I’m frequently asked how I work with candidates; I work based on the needs of each individual candidate:application forms and interviews.

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