Entries Tagged as 'Leadership'


Staple Stories

Stepping Stones

I was out walking with my wife in the Yorkshire Dales beside the Wharfe, along a stretch we’d walked many times, when I noticed a different option – some stepping stones.

We’d never been on the other side of the river, the sun was out but the river was pretty full. After my first two steps I realised that the stones were very slippery.  Do we go for it or go back the usual way?

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“What A Year” – Wow Thank You

Please click on any hyperlinks that take your fancy or just jump to the song at the end…

People, People, People

It was great to meet with Simon Biltcliffe but what really stands out is how fantastic his PA Lisa Bowen was with me – open, generous, encouraging, efficient and a real unexpected bonus to encounter when trying to arrange a meeting with a phenomenally busy guy. The Australian Paralympian Elizabeth Wright has been a joy to meet and an inspiration to work with. Thanks to Nadio for introducing me to David Broadhead who has really helped to crystalise  my thinking about Leadership.

I’ve also met a great bunch of diverse people at numerous events who have been engaging, thought provoking and also very generous. I love Suits and Vinyl – what a great way to meet other business people.

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Time, Ladies and Gentlemen. Please. Time?!

We are information rich and yet increasingly time and decision making poor. We seem to be working harder and harder just to stand still. Work is becoming more fraught and a lot less enjoyable. We don’t even have the time to ask ourselves why? We’re too busy just doing.

We know the market is fragmenting while our universities are producing thousands more law graduates every year. We have apprentices to add to the ranks of paralegals and businesses looking to cherry pick the profitable work. More resources are being tied up to comply with the ever evolving regulatory requirements. Technological developments mean that we can be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information and data, which in turn is more complex to manage. Some clients expect instant responses for minimum costs plus the banks are wary of the sector.

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Lead a Ship or Jump Ship?!

There are huge challenges facing many firms and enormous pressure on leaders. I think our old models and ways of leading no longer adequately serve 21st century firms. However, there is a jungle of advice out there, the good, the bad and the ugly.

I‘m really interested in learning about the latest thinking and ways in which we can unlock the talent and potential in firms. But I appreciate that this is a massive task and there are no magic solutions. However, there are a lot of great people out there doing amazing things. I wanted to share this latest thinking and learning with anyone who is frustrated with the old methods and wants to learn how situations can be transformed.

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